- Fluphenazine : from an isolated molecule to its interaction with lipid bilayers
- Title: Fluphenazine : from an isolated molecule to its interaction with lipid bilayers
- Journal title: Chemistry and Physics of Lipids
- Creator: Petrus, Joanna ; Czarnik-Matusewicz, Bogusława ; Petrus, Rafał ; Cieślik-Boczula, Katarzyna ; Jaszczyszyn, Agata ; Gąsiorowski, Kazimierz
- Pages: s. 51-60
- Description: Zawiera wykresy. ; Zawiera ilustracje. ; Bibliogr. ; Streszcz. w jęz. ang.
- Date issued: 2015
- Type: Tekst
- Language: eng
- Has version: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.chemphyslip.2015.01.002
- Detailed object type: art
- Object type: Artykuł
- Location: Vol. 186 (2015), s. 51-60 : il.