- Thinking as a moment of action and the ideal of universal rationality in pragmatic philosophy of Ch.S. Peirce and G.H. Mead
- Title: Thinking as a moment of action and the ideal of universal rationality in pragmatic philosophy of Ch.S. Peirce and G.H. Mead
- Group publication title: Acta Universitatis Wratislaviensis. Filozofia ; 26
- Collective work title: Z zagadnień filozofii współczesnej
- Creator: Koczanowicz, Leszek
- Pages: S. 41-48
- Description: Zawiera streszczenie. ; Zawiera bibliografię.
- Language of abstract: pol
- Date issued: 1995
- Type: Tekst
- Language: eng
- Detailed object type: rozdz
- Object type: Rozdział