- Late-orogenic magmatism in the Central European Variscides : SHRIMP U-Pb zircon age constraints from the Żeleźniak intrusion, Kaczawa Mountains, West Sudetes
- Title: Late-orogenic magmatism in the Central European Variscides : SHRIMP U-Pb zircon age constraints from the Żeleźniak intrusion, Kaczawa Mountains, West Sudetes
- Journal title: Geologia Sudetica
- Creator: Machowiak, Katarzyna ; Armstrong, Richard ; Kryza, Ryszard ; Muszyński, Andrzej
- Pages: s. 1-18
- Description: Zawiera ilustracje. ; Ref. ; Abstr.
- Language of abstract: eng
- Date issued: 2008
- Type: Tekst
- Language: eng
- Detailed object type: art
- Object type: Artykuł
- Location: Vol. 40 (2008)