- Volcanism in a late Variscan intramontane trough: the petrology and geochemistry of the Carboniferous and Permian volcanic rocks of the Intra-Sudetic Basin, SW Poland
- Title: Volcanism in a late Variscan intramontane trough: the petrology and geochemistry of the Carboniferous and Permian volcanic rocks of the Intra-Sudetic Basin, SW Poland
- Journal title: Geologia Sudetica
- Creator: Awdankiewicz, Marek
- Pages: s. 83 - 111
- Description: Zawiera ilustracje. ; Zawiera tabele. ; Ref. ; Abstr.
- Language of abstract: eng
- Date issued: 1999
- Type: Tekst
- Language: eng
- Detailed object type: art
- Object type: Artykuł
- Location: Vol. 32, nr 2 (1999), s. 83 - 111 : il.