- Biomonitoring of water pollution with Elodea canadensis : a case study of three small Polish rivers with different levels of pollution
- Title: Biomonitoring of water pollution with Elodea canadensis : a case study of three small Polish rivers with different levels of pollution
- Journal title: Water, Air and Soil Pollution
- Creator: Samecka-Cymerman, Aleksandra ; Kempers, A. J
- Description: Zawiera tabele. ; Zawiera mapę. ; Bibliogr. ; Streszcz. w jęz. ang.
- Language of abstract: eng
- Date issued: 2003
- Type: Tekst
- Language: eng
- Detailed object type: art
- Object type: Artykuł
- Location: Vol. 145 (2003), s. 139-153 : mapa