- The Cantillon effect and income and wealth redistribution
- Title: The Cantillon effect and income and wealth redistribution
- Collective work title: Sborník příspěvku z mezinarodní vědecké konference MMK 2014 Mezinarodní Masarykova Konference Pro Doktorandy a Mladé vedecké Pracovníky = Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference on MMK 2014 International Masaryk Conference for PH.D. Students and Young Researchers. -
- Creator: Sieroń, Arkadiusz
- Pages: S. 1108-1114
- Description: Materials of MMK 2014 International Masaryk Conference for Ph.D. Students and Young Researchers, Hradec Kr~''alov~''e, 15.12.-19.12.2014.
- Publisher: Česka republika : Magnanimitas
- Place of publishing: Hradec Kralové
- Date issued: 2014
- Type: Tekst
- Identifier: ISBN 978-80-87952-07-8
- Language: pol
- Detailed object type: rozdz
- Object type: Rozdział