- The role of modern aeolian processes in thufur degradation and forming low-scale surface features in northern Iceland : a dendrogeomorphology approach
- Title: The role of modern aeolian processes in thufur degradation and forming low-scale surface features in northern Iceland : a dendrogeomorphology approach
- Collective work title: XXXVII Sympozjum Polarne "Polar Change - Global Change", Poznań, 7-10 czerwca 2018 : streszczenia
- Creator: Owczarek, Piotr ; Opała-Owczarek, Magdalena ; Migała, Krzysztof ; Porlaksdottir, Jonina Sigridur
- Pages: S. 59
- Publisher: Bogucki Wydawnictwo Naukowe
- Place of publishing: Poznań
- Date issued: 2018
- Type: Tekst
- Identifier: ISBN 9788379861897
- Language: eng
- Has version: http://polarne2018.amu.edu.pl/img/37_Sympozjum_Polarne_streszczenia.pdf
- Detailed object type: ikomr
- Object type: Rozdział